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HomeClub Permit Rewewal

Renewing a Club Permit




1. VicRoads will send your permit renewal in the mail about two months before of the expiry date.


2. The renewal must then be endorsed and approved by one of the club permit officers as soon as practical to do so.


3. VicRoads gives the same grace period for permit renewals as they do for the renewal of normal registrations.


4. Applicants for Club Permit renewals must be financial members of the club and have at least 1 months membership remaining.

If the member is not financial then the club permit renewal will not be processed until they renew their membership.


5. There are two ways to have your Permit renewal endorsed.


  • Preferred method:

Online via your myVicRoads account

First you will need a set up a myVicRoads account.

Once this has been set up you will need to link your club permit car to your myVicRoads account .

Vic Roads will email you to say your club car is valid and linked to your account.

Once this has occurred you can download and save the Club Permit Endorsement form. DO NOT fill the form in by hand it must be done electronically.

Fill in all the boxes on the form using the exact wording on your permit except for the following,

The first box (Full name of secretary or person Authorised by the Club), the date and the signature.

You Must fill in your name and the club name.

When filled in email the form to the club permit renewal email address. This can be found under contacts on the web page.


When you get the endorsement form back you will need to sign your permit form, login to your myvicroads account and go to Vehicles and Registration where you should see your vehicle.

Select pay now for the vehicle you wish to renew.

Fill in the name of the authorised person as per the endorsement form.

NEW REQUIREMENT: Attatch the endorsement form and a copy of the permit form signed by you, select next. Then complete the payment process.

A few days later you will get a confirmation email approving your permit renewal which you need to keep with your log book.


  • Alternate methods
  • On presentation to a Club Permit Officer at the club monthly meeting.

You will need to bring your membership card as we do not always have access to the club database.



IMPORTANT: Renewals will not be signed or processed at times other than those times above unless by prior agreement, this includes at events.